Awards Selection
A Selection Committee has been appointed to award the architectural prizes.
- The Selection Committee will receive all submitted proposals-studies anonymously. They will be assigned a code number having been checked for anonymity and completeness.
- The Selection Committee will evaluate all the studies-proposals.
- The selected proposals will be identified and checked to see if they meet the participation requirements of the Competition as described on the Competition Announcement, Article 4 and 9.3.
- The Selection process, as mentioned above, will take place during February 2022 and the results will be announced by 28 February 2022
Please note:
Where it is ascertained that a Participant whose design proposal submitted was deemed by the Selection Committee to be deserving of a Cash Prize was not entitled to participate in the Competition since it does not meet the participation requirements of the Competition Announcement (Article 4), the Participant shall be disqualified from the Competition and the ranking of the Participant may be awarded to the next proposal in rank order where it is considered adequate by the Selection Committee.
*For additional information on the selection process and the guarantee of anonymity please see the Competition Announcement, Article 14.
*Additional information on the Prizes here.
*Additional information on the Selection Criteria here.